Columbia Kermit
000275_news@columbia.edu_Thu Nov 2 08:29:56 1995.msg
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From: jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Can Kermit generate key-presses?
Message-Id: <1995Nov2.142956.65735@cc.usu.edu>
Date: 2 Nov 95 14:29:56 MDT
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In article <Pine.ULT.3.91.951101184311.28875B-100000@chinook.halcyon.com>, "Kathleen M. House" <kmhouse@halcyon.com> writes:
> Hello, all,
> I have a need for a batch program to simulate pressing a PF key.
Are you sure you really mean BATCH, as in DOS' .BAT files?
If so then that has nothing to do with Kermit; it's entirely a DOS matter.
Maybe you mean a Kermit Take file. Take files execute at the Kermit prompt
level, not during terminal emulation (Connect mode). There is no keyboard
fancy stuff at the Kermit prompt level.
> I've gotten Kermit to generate the binary code for "ringing" the bell, and
That's control code Control-g, binary 7.
> piped that to a file that I can now include in any batch program. The code
> executes as soon as it is typed to the screen, and I've got a nice little
> bell-ringer whenever I want it.
> Now I need an F-key presser. I've tried using show-key to display the
That is purely a terminal emulation matter. There is no association
with Kermit prompt level nor DOS etc.
> decimal code, and then echoing that code. For some reason, although the
> regular keys show up fine when their decimal code is echoed, the F and
Look at those values. They are ASCII printable characters. Special
keys are not printable. VTxxx function keys do not send simple fixed codes;
they are terminal emulation state dependent items. Please do have a very
careful look at file msvibm.vt in the Kermit distribution kit.
> other function keys do not. The echo merely shows the graphic (not the key
> name) for that decimal code. For example, echoing the code for F2
> produces <<. When this is piped to a file, and that file typed to the
> screen, the code does not execute.
> Does anyone know why the function keys behave differently and how to get
> one to execute in a batch program?
Honestly, I have a big problem trying to understand what you are
trying to accomplish. As mentioned above, DOS BATCH has nothing at all to
do with Kermit.
Joe D.